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Rev M L Rene

Yes, and the regime, with all Politbureau matriarchs
And illegal forces shall come falling.
For no matter the long nights
The sun must come.
And there would be eulogies for faithful servants.
Some eulogies shall read,she was kind,hard working,cheerful, loving,and godly.
Some would say she a fraud, a munderer,
She was tribalistic and so on
Tears will flow, because when we are sad we shed them
So too when we happy we cry out tears
Rev M L Rene Dibi

Uche Eze Nkatta Idika

B.B may not be Martin Lurther King nor Malcom X but his efforts surpasses grace and skills. Keep the great works Doc.

amenah ogheneruemu

i was so much touch with ur concern for those that were killed by those who think they are the all in our todays world, i have a word for them, they should wait to see what their ignorant actions will take them to, sir keep the flag flying, we in delta state university, abraka, u visited sonme weeks back we are solidly behind ur struglles and fight.

Ebogo Titus Tangang Ngwa-Mbong

BB, true the sun of hope shone on UB bringing with it the inevitable fall of tyrany in UB. Some may interprete it as the applaud of assacination but I see it as a wide door for ejection. Ejection not only from the academic vicinity but also from the polibereau. The blood of Forlem and Embwam was sprinkled to atone UB from the age of Tyrany. They Should remember that change is the only permanent thing in life and must come from any direction no matter how.Afterall, If a tree refuses to move, it will one day be forced by the wind to do so.

Raphel Eyong Agbor Enow

I was one of the closest person to Forlem Gilbert at the time of his death. As a matter of fact he was my neighbor for 3 years. Most people believed I was the one who was shot. He possessed the qualities of a messiah. I have not seen a human as good as Gilbert. Gilbert was not only innocent but very politically neutral. He never took part in our strike actions. I remember a military tank spraying his aged father with water in order to escape with the corps. The Biya regime will not go unpunished for such a monstrous act. This is not the first case of such evil manifestation by the military. I find it very difficult to understand what is happening to our military. These guys are one of the least paid in the civil service. yet they seems so pro-Biya's Government. Shame on them. They need to think twice. The Fall of Biya's Government will go a long way to help all Cameroonians. So they should not protect Biya. Which Cameroonian Does not want Biya go leave. The military should start thinking of protecting civilians and not killing them. Mr. Biya has been president for decades, yet very few Cameroonians have good memory of his regime. If he frauds and gets to the presidency by 2011. I see blood shed.

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