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Dr. Bate Besong is the Cornel West of the Cameroons, my country. He is a truth-teller of the night-side hypocricy dubbed democracy in the Cameroons. He is a one man squad who has declared an all-out intellectual warfare against the macabre socio-economic and political agenda and systems planned and executed by the ruling junta in Cameroon. Bate Besong is the rock to stand or lean on. This man is a good man. He has dodged stones, bullets, his good name has been libelously spoiled through blackmail and he has done time behind bars simply becasue he is telling it like it is. I guess the truth does not set one free in certain instances. He is not going to go to sleep until the so-called goverment in my country stops going to sleep on the proletariat. BB as Dr. Bate Besong is popularly known is going to fight until the last dog dies. The man is simply amazing. A socratic philosopher, Westian (Cornel West) social critic, a Clarke-ian(John Henrik Clarke) historian, an Emmersonian democrat and Tocquevillian politician. This man is most deserving of any fellowship especially as it pertains to any subject area that deals with human behaviours (worth, dignity, upliftment etc). This man is an inconic social scientist and the voice of us the powerless and dispossessed people of the once beautiful land called the Cameroons. Please, strongly consider Dr. Bate Besong for this or any other program like this. He is going to be crushed and garnished like an unwanted an unwanted bag of smelling onions if we do not find a secured place for him outside of the dungeon of the Cameroons. Lets savor and preserve this rich and impeccable mind. We do not have a choice. My opinion and nothing but my opinion.

Very sincerely,


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