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Galabe Aloysius

Dear post. I really agree in 'BB's writing. I am a Cameroonian student currently taking a master's programme in International Accounting in Sweden. I came out here and realise that we have been in an actual 23 years of nowhere governance. We have useful resources wasting out here. Able managers of about 3 master,s degree each busily distributing newspapers for the whiteman. Afraid to return home as there is no place for them back there. There is actual braindrainning between the 'cameroon-europeano gulf. We need to find a place for all this our resources. We can build our country up to Europe and even more than that if we just only try to maintain integrity. I want to ask this single question to Mr Biya and his regime. Did they study abroad and if so on a scholarship base? They all violate the morals of higher learning as they continue in bad governance. Lets keep our heads up!

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