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Harry Kuchah

Just to appreciate your faithfulness to my words in the interview and to say the name in the middle is Harry, not Henry but I'll rather go by Kuchah Kuchah in all my writing to keep to my inspiration from the two great BBs in decolonising my writing.


just to appreciate your writing and to keep up with such inspirations.Alwys remember that the Lord wld lead u through.

Akombi Wilfred Nd.

Wow...that's great. Was just navigating, suching for fellow writers and came to this page. Would like to have a copy of your collection. Sure, it might flavour the inspiration i got from shakespear, Chinua...How do I get a copy?
I am a young writer, Cameroonian living in Germany (temporal). I am author of The Mother of My Child(published), The Royal Man(unpub.), Mayor on Escape(unpub.), Manslaughter(unpub.)
Hope we'll meet one day as great writers.

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