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Dr. Joyce ashuntantang

Thanks dibussi for interrogating BB's place of death, Misole II (near Edea). Your poem is not only a tour de force of orature but in your poem Misole II becomes a site of resistance. Another refusal for silence to engulf our collective history...and so it is that BB's death at Misole exhumes another fallen hero, Ruben Um Nyobe...this can only be "a rallying cry".


Many of us MANYU ELEMENTS in the USA are leaving a dangerous and strange life. I would say that we should learn to respect Human Life. Stop backbitting others because of BLACK FEET CULTURES. I did met a scary looking MEXICAN female Professor who claims that she can kill BB in TIJUANA|mexico shortly, I did heard that BB is dead. This is a great lost to the MANYU ELITES. The manyu elites in the USA are extremely hateful, selfish, cruel, and shameful. Whether they know their colleagues. I donot really know. Shame to MANYU IN USA.

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