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Ndim Bernard Ngouche

If tears were enough and weeping so consoling enough, then we would have ceased pondering why it had to be Bate Besong AKA BB. Yes his pen might have being so boisterous and bitting but he remains the most outspoken writer with a lot of accomplishments. Bravo to BB for he lives on and his works keep shining like a bright ember that will never die. Our love for BB was total and his dreams were our dreams. Today we only can mourn and lament his so sudden departure. Their Chapagne Party will end is a boisterous and pulsating rhapsody thta flows like from BB's fountain. It is a good eulogy for a great mind like that Of our illustrous Bate Besong. So many thanks for this great accomplishments and bravo to Dr.Joyce Ashuntantang and Dibusi Tande. This great poetry collection portrays Bate Besong as a grea patriot, philosopher, accomplished writer and poet. I had learned a lot from him and will move on the path he path finded. Adieu Bate Besong. African Literature and Cameroonian lovers of your raw kind of poetry will forever miss you.

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